Overview of Stock Inventory & Warehouse Management Analysis Reports

This apps Offer Different type of reports for warehouse reports. Odoo does not provide any stock reports for overstocking, expired stock, in stock and out of stock situations. We provide app for various reports to cover all important stock information.User can generate report like Inventory Valuation Report, Stock Expiry Report, Stock Aging Report for Unsold Products(Non-Moving Products), Export Stock in Excel Report, Inventory Coverage Report, Inventory Breakdown Report, Stock Rotation Report, Inventory Overstock Report.


1) All in one Inventory Reports

      All inventory related report are available in this app, provide important stock information.

2) Stock Rotation Report

      Report for opening stock, closing stock,sale count, purchase count, transfer in/out, last sale, last purchase.

3) Export Stock In Excel Report

      Export current stock information for all products in several warehouses.

4) Inventory Overstock Report

      Report for incoming/outgoing stock,last sale,avg of daily sale, recent purchase, expected stock, overstock quantity, overstock value according to given duration.

5) Inventory Valuation Report

      Report for stock valuation inventory,detail with and without product, stock valuation with summarized data.

6) Inventory Coverage Report

      Upcoming days report for inventory/stock important information.

7) Non Moving Products Stock Report

      Easily get details how many products are unsold(non moving) even it is available in stock according to specific warehouse and specific duration.

8) Inventory Age Report

      Generate excel and pdf inventory age report according to given period.

9) Inventory Breakdown Report

      Report for inventory average cost/average price/average value according separately every time period.

10) Stock Aging(Expiry) Report

      Report for expired stock information filter by warehouse and locations according specific given days.

1. Real time Stock Inventory Valuation Report

Filter By Warehouses & Filter By Date and Product's Categories

User can filter warehouses,location,company and product's categories according to period.

Detail of Inventory Valuation Report

User can see detail of specific warehouses stock report.

Detail of Inventory Valuation Summary Report

User can see detail of inventory valuation summary pdf report.

Detail of Inventory Valuation Report

User can see detail of inventory valuation excel report.

2. Stock Expiry Report

Apply on all Warehouses and Locations

User can apply all warehouses and all locations and specify number of days of report.

Filter By Locations in Odoo

User can filter by locations and specify number of days of report.

Filter By Warehouses

User can filter by warehouses and specify number of days of report.

Detail of Stock Expiry Report in Odoo

User can see detail of stock expiry excel report.

User can see detail of stock expiry pdf report.

3. Stock Aging Report for Unsold Products(Non-Moving Products) in Odoo

Filter By Warehouses and Filter By Period

User can filter by warehouses and start to end period.

Detail of Aging Report for Non Moving Products

4. Inventory Coverage Report

Filter By Warehouses & Products

User can filter by warehouses and products and specify start date and end date.

Detail of Inventory Coverage Report

User can see detail of specific warehouses stock excel report.

User can see detail of specific warehouses stock excel report.

5. Inventory Age Breakdown Report in Odoo

Filter By Locations & All Products

User can filter by locations and include all products.

Filter By Warehouses & All Products

6. Stock Rotation Report in Odoo

Filter By Warehouses

User can filter by specific warehouses and specify start date and end date.

Detail of All Warehouses Stock Rotation Report

User can see detail of all warehouses stock report

7. Export Stock in Excel Report in Odoo

Filter By Warehouses & Apply Condition on Products

User can filter by warehouses and apply condition on products.

Detail of Export Stock in Excel Report

User can see detail of exported stock in excel.

8. Inventory Overstock Report in Odoo

Inventory Overstock Report 

User can open wizard view for Inventory Overstock report.

All Products and All Warehouses

User can generate report for all products and All warehouses.

Specific Product and All Warehouses in Odoo

Generated PDF report for specific product considered all Warehouses.

Overview of Stock Inventory & Warehouse Management Analysis Reports
Rahul Pandya September 27, 2023
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