Website Product Dimensions(Height/Width)

Website Product​ Dimensions Height Width

This odoo app helps user to add product dimension like product height and product width from website, User also have option to calculate price based on that height and with or quantity. User can also add height and width measurement for product in website, sale order, purchase order, customer invoice, vendor bill, and manufacturing order

Website Product Dimension app helps you to add product measurement variable height and width on product, based on that it will dynamically calculate Quantity of Product in Meter Square and Price of it. This plugin will be mainly useful for Banner and Paper industry , where customer can order product in different dimension with different height and width and based on that price need be calculated for that product size.This app works for Shop, Sales, Purchase, Accounting and Manufacturing.
Also if you are not managing the stock of your product and purchasing it from any other supplier . then with default odoo procurement method "Make to order + buy" will generate Purchased same as requested from the customer.
Same if you are manufacture and you make product based on customer request for different size this plugin also works for MRP and generate manufacturing(production) order for requested dimension(height/width) by customer from the Sale.


1) Add variable Height and Width as Product Dimension.

Allow to add variable Height and Width as Product Dimension on Sales/Purchase and Manufacturing Order.

2) Calculates Product UOM (Mt.)2 based on height and width.

Automatically calculates product UOM (Mt.)2 based on height and width.

3) Product Price Calculation Option.

Option to calculate product price based on dimension or quantity.

4) Product Dimension for All Application.

Manage product dimension for all application with website, sale, purchase, invoice, bill and manufacturing.

Option 1 : Price Calculation based on Dimension(m2)

Configuration for Calculation of Unit Price

User have to select "Price Calculation based on Dimension(m2)" option under Sales > Configuration > Settings menu.

In this option net price will calculated based on : UNIT PRICE * QTY * M2.

Product Dimension on Website Option

User have to enable "Product Dimension on Website" option to add height and width of product on website.

Product Dimension on Website

On product page user can enter product height and width and click "Calculator" icon to calculate price.

User can see product dimension added to order in backend.

Product Dimension on Sales

While creating Quotation, Salesman can add height(Mt.) and width(Mt.) of product in order line, by default "Sale Price for (M2)" selected on order line.

User can see the height width M2 and net price of product is display on generated order.

Product Dimension on Invoice

While invoice created from the sales order same height(Mt.)/width(Mt.) will be passed on invoice line for product. Also billing user can add height and width of product in invoice line.

Product Dimension on Purchase

When purchase generated by the purchase user, purchase user can add height(Mt.) and width(Mt.) of product in order line and based on that (Mt.)2 price will be calculated according to its height and width. Also Same will be automatically effected when Purchase has been generated from the sales order(by confirm sales).

Product Dimension on Vendor Bill

While supplier invoice created from the purchase order same height(Mt.)/width(Mt.) will be passed on invoice line for product.

Product Dimension on Manufacturing

When Manufacturing order created by the production user , production user can add height(Mt.) and width(Mt.) of main product on manufacturing order and based on that (Mt.)2 price will be calculated according to its height and width. Also Same will be automatically effected when manufacturing has been generated from the sales order(by confirm sales).

Option 2 : Price Calculation based on Qty

Configuration for Calculation of Unit Price

User have to select "Price Calculation based on Qty" option under Sales > Configuration > Settings menu.

In this option net price will calculated based on product quantity.

Product Dimension on Website

On product page user can enter product height and width and click "Calculator" icon to calculate price.

User can see product dimension added to order in backend.

Product Dimension on Sales

While creating Quotation, Salesman can add height(Mt.) and width(Mt.) of product in order line, by default "Sale Price for (M2)" selected on order line.

Product Dimension on Invoice

While invoice created from the sales order same height(Mt.)/width(Mt.) will be passed on invoice line for product. Also billing user can add height and width of product in invoice line.

Product Dimension on Purchase

When purchase generated by the purchase user, purchase user can add height(Mt.) and width(Mt.) of product in order line and based on that (Mt.)2 price will be calculated according to its height and width. Also Same will be automatically effected when Purchase has been generated from the sales order(by confirm sales).

Product Dimension on Vendor Bill

While supplier invoice created from the purchase order same height(Mt.)/width(Mt.) will be passed on invoice line for product.

Product Dimension on Manufacturing

When Manufacturing order created by the production user , production user can add height(Mt.) and width(Mt.) of main product on manufacturing order and based on that (Mt.)2 price will be calculated according to its height and width. Also Same will be automatically effected when manufacturing has been generated from the sales order(by confirm sales).

Vrajesh Soni May 23, 2024
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