Inventory Age Analysis Report

Inventory Stock Ageing Reports odoo apps helps warehouse user to generate and print Stock Age reports with details in excel format, which included warehouse's older product age, older product quantity, and stock value for older product .This app also provide filter by company, product and product category on wizard to apply filter on reports and print it on excel format.
After installing this odoo module user can generate and print Inventory Age reports XLS, where user can see old aging stock with its stock value and its also print total product stock with stock product valuation of it.


1) Stock Age Analysis Report

User can see age analysis report and find older products for stock.

2) Stock Age Excel Report

User can also generate stock age report in XLS format.

3) Different Filters for Stock Age Report

User can use different filters like product and product category, and company for age report.

4) Older age Quantity and Stock Value

User can see total older stock quantity and stock value for stock.

Stock Age Report Menu

Under Inventory > Reporting menu user can see "Stock Age Report" menu.

On clicking menu new wizard will open User can apply different filters like product and product categories and company.

Stock Age Excel Report

On clicking the "EXCEL REPORT" button users can see generated stock age excel report as below image.

Stock Age Analysis Report

On clicking "VIEW DATA" button user can see stock age analysis report.

Stock Age Graph Report

On clicking "VIEW GRAPH" button user can see graph view for stock age report.

Vrajesh Soni May 17, 2024
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