All in One Default Followers

All in one Default Followers Odoo App helps users to easily configure default followers from general settings. Users can manage default followers for any of odoo models like sale, purchase, invoice, inventory etc. Default followers as partners added when record created.


1) Configure Default Followers

User can configure default followers from general settings.

2) Easy to Manage Default Followers

User can easily manage default followers for any of odoo models.

Configuration for Default Followers

Goto Settings -> General Settings in that click on "CONFIGURE DEFAUT FOLLOWERS" button to configure default followers.

Configured Default Followers in List View

You can see configured default followers of sale, purchase, invoice, inventory etc in list view.

Configured Default Followers in Form View

You can select model and select partners/followers whom you want to add in default followers then click on "SAVE" button.

Create New Sale Quotation

You can see the follower's list is 0(Zero) before confirm the quotation.

Default Followers are Added in Sale Order

You can see configured default followers are added in sale order.

Default Followers are Added in Delivery Order

You can see configured default followers are added in delivery order.

Default Followers are Added in Invoice

You can see configured default followers are added in invoice.

Default Followers are Added in Purchase Order

You can see configured default followers are added in purchase order.

Vrajesh Soni May 17, 2024
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